Event date

04 / 08 / 2023 - Friday 20:30

Event venue

Monastery Garden

Festival zone

Open air cinema: The Greatest Showman

duration of the film 105 minutes

Phineas Taylor Barnum (Hugh Jackman) is a visionary whose genuine enthusiasm is absolutely contagious. And even in times when his indomitable optimism and energy are the only wealth at his disposal. Barnum begins his life’s journey to stardom with an empty pocket, but a head full of fantastic ideas. Thanks to them, they create and gradually assemble a fascinating show filled with amazing jugglers, dancers, acrobats, bearded singers, the strongest, smallest and tallest men. Despite many prejudices, his performance becomes a worldwide sensation. And Barnum is able to properly support the success of his show with the help of an advertising campaign never seen before, which earns him the title “The Greatest Showman”.

Monastery Garden

The Monastery garden offers peace to its visitors and space to relax in one moment

Open air cinema: The Greatest Showman

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